It would be easy to form Finnish words if all the endings were attachedmechanically one after the other according to the...
Non-finite verb forms are those which, unlike finite verbs, do not containpersonal endings. There are two kinds of non-f...
A finite verb form means a form with a personal ending, e.g. (min) tule/n Icome, sin tule/t you come, Maija tule/e Maija...
Nominals are nouns, adjectives, pronouns and numerals, i.e. words like thefollowing:Nouns Adjectives Pronouns Numeralsau...
Many endings occur in two forms with alternative vowels, e.g. -ssa ~ -ssin, -ko ~ -k (interrogative), -nut ~ -nyt (past...
Finnish word stress follows this important rule:Vowels elsewhere than in the first syllable therefore do not receiv...
Syllabification in Finnish is in most cases determined by the following basicrule.There is a syllable boundary before ev...
Finnish has 16 common diphthongs, i.e. combinations of two vowelsoccurring in the same syllable. Diphthongs can be divid...
The difference between short and long sounds is used very widely in Finnishto distinguish different words. Long sounds c...
Finnish (apart from words of foreign origin) has eight vowel and 13consonant phonemes: i eyu o a and p t k d s h v j l r...
Disregarding words of foreign origin, Finnish has eight letters for vowels and13 for consonants: i eyu o a and p t k d g...
It is worth mentioning the areas of Finnish grammar which can cause mostlearning difficulty. Since Finnish is not an Ind...
The basic principle of word formation in Finnish is the addition of endings(bound morphemes, suffixes) to stems. For exa...
The size of the population of Finland on 31 December 1997 was 5,147,349persons. The distribution of language speakers, a...
1 THE RELATION OF FINNISH TO OTHERLANGUAGESThe Finnish language is a member of the Finno-Ugric language family. Thisis q...