Attributes are modifiers of nouns. There are two kinds of attributes occurringbefore the noun: pronoun attributes (tm au...
The second main class of questions is question-word questions, which areanswered more precisely (not just yes or no). Th...
Direct questions that can be answered by yes or no are formed by movingthe word being questioned to the beginning of the...
There is no invariable negation word in Finnish negative sentences. Negationis expressed by an inflected verb, which sho...
In the Finnish possessive structure the possessor appears in the adessive case-lla ~ -ll; the form on of the verb olla f...
The conjugation of the verb olla is exceptional in the third person. Theinflectional stem is formed by adding -e- (23.4)...
Nominals inflect for singular and plural. The singular always has no ending.The plural has two endings, -t and -i-. The...
Auto on kadulla. The car is in the street.Kadulla on auto. There is a car in the street.Nainen on talossa. The woman is...
In order to explain the use of the nominative we also need to make adistinction with respect to the partitive. A noun is...
Nominative singular Nominative pluralauto car auto/t the carsmaa country maa/t the countriestalo house talo/t the houses...
The nominative is the basis upon which the Finnish case system is built. Thenominative is the primary form of nominals i...
Finnish has three grammatical persons, each occurring in the singular and theplural. They correspond to the following pr...
Infinitives ending in -et/a, -et/ like lmmet/ get warm also form theirinflectional stem in a different way (cf. 23.2).In...
Infinitives ending in -it/a, -it/, e.g. tarvit/a need, are similar to huomat/averbs (23.2), but their inflectional stem...
These two groups form their inflectional stem by adding -e- to theinfinitive.Infinitive First person sing. Third person...
Huomat/a verbs, which generally end in -at/a, -t/, are a very importantgroup (contracted verbs). The relation here betwe...
Anta/a verbs, where the infinitive ending occurs after a short vowel, do nothave a separate inflectional stem; othe...
The first infinitive has four endings, (1) -a ~ -, (2) -da ~ -d, (3) -ta ~ -t,and (4) -la ~ -l, -ra ~ -r, -na ~ -n. The...
Verb forms are built up like nominals by adding endings to stems. Verbsdiffer from nominals in that they do not have an...
There are a few nominals ending in -ut or -yt, where in the inflectional stemthe -t changes to -e-, which is then d...