芬兰:Älä itke koska se on ohi, vaan hymyile kun se tapahtui
注释:se=它,这 ;kun=当,时候
Usage notes:se
Due to the influence of Germanic languages, nowadays especially to that of English, se may often be used as some kind of definite article in colloquial Finnish – in standard Finnish that is ungrammatical because it is expressed with the word order whether something is definite or indefinite. (cf. usage of yksi)
(standard) Mies tuli luokseni. -> (colloquial) Se mies tuli mun luokse.
The man came to me.
(standard) Luokseni tuli mies. -> (colloquial) Yks mies tuli mun luokse.
A man came to me.
1.when (temporal)
Sain viestisi, kun olin jo matkalla lentokentälle.
I got your message when I was already on my way to the airport.
Hän ilmestyi antamaan ohjeita, kun olin jo saanut työn valmiiksi.
He showed up to give instructions when I had already finished the job.
2.often with the clitic -han to express that the event of the main clause takes place immediately after that of the subclause: as soon as
Tulen tapaamaan sinua, kun(han) saan tämän valmiiksi.
I will come to see you as soon as I finish this job.
4.(somewhat rare) because
5.(obsolete) that, who, which, where (used as relative pronoun)
Täällä on eräs mies, kun haluaisi tavata johtajaa.
Täällä on eräs mies, joka haluaisi tavata johtajaa. (standard)
Here is a man who would want to see the director.
Usage notes
Kun can be used to express hope in sentences which in English are expressed sentiments such as "I wish", "I hope", "if only".
Kun can also be added sometimes to sentences in order to express some level of doubt on the part of the speaker or writer of the truth or certainty of the information in the sentence.