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时间:2017-03-17来源:互联网 进入芬兰语论坛
核心提示:This form is most conveniently derived from the past tense passive (cf. 80) bythe following rule (which is the same as t
 This form is most conveniently derived from the past tense passive (cf. §80) by
the following rule (which is the same as that for the derivation of the passive
moods, §72).
Change the passive past tense -iin to -a or -ä and add -va- ~ -vä-.
Example: sano/ttiin ‘one said’ ? sano/tta/va. These participles have various special
meanings. Usually they correspond to the following types of relative clause:
sano/tta/va asia (1) a thing that must/has to be/is to be said
(2) a thing that can be said
(3) a thing that will be said
(4) a thing that is said
First Past tense Present participle Meaning
infinitive passive passive
kerto/a kerro/ttiin kerro/tta/va which is to be told
luke/a lue/ttiin lue/tta/va “ read
johta/a johde/ttiin johde/tta/va “ led
huomat/a huomat/tiin huomat/ta/va “ noticed
pelät/ä pelät/tiin pelät/tä/vä “ feared
rakenta/a rakennet/tiin rakenne/tta/va “ built
juo/da juo/tiin juo/ta/va “ drunk
ajatel/la ajatel/tiin ajatel/ta/va “ thought
hävit/ä hävit/tiin hävit/tä/vä “ lost
Participles 197
The use of these participles will become clearer from the following examples. All
the meanings (1)–(4) are possible, depending on the context.
syö/tä/vä sieni
an edible mushroom (‘that can be eaten’)
Tämä ei ole suositel/ta/va kirja.
This is not a book that can be recommended.
Nämä eivät ole suositel/ta/v/i/a kirjoja.
These are not books that can be recommended.
onko teillä ilmoite/tta/v/i/a tuloja?
Do you have any income to be declared?
onko jääkaapissa jotain juo/ta/va/a?
Is there anything to drink in the fridge?
Ei tämä ole mikään pelät/tä/vä koira!
This is no dog to be feared/there is no need to be afraid of this dog!
onko teillä tarvit/ta/va pääoma?
Do you have the necessary capital?
Ratkais/ta/va/t kysymykset ovat…
The questions to be solved are…
onko vielä jotain lisät/tä/vä/ä?
Is there still something to be added?
Minulla ei ole muuta sano/tta/va/a.
I have nothing else to say.
Lainat/ta/va/t kirjat ovat oikealla.
The books that can be borrowed are on the right.
Viimeinen suorite/tta/v/i/sta töistä oli vaikein.
The last of the tasks to be done was the most difficult.
The present participle passive is also used in a number of special ways, for instance
to express obligation in structures such as the following:
subject in the genitive case+on, oli, olisi, lienee+present participle
Minu/n on sano/tta/va tämä. I must say this.
Mies/ten oli lähde/ttä/vä. The men had to leave.
Nyt minun on syö/tä/vä. Now I must eat.
198 Finnish: An Essential Grammar
On/ko sinun lähde/ttä/vä jo? Do you have to leave already?
Meidän oli tilat/ta/va taksi. We had to order a taxi.
Kaikkien on men/tä/vä ulos. Everyone must go out.
Pekan on usko/tta/va, että… Pekka must believe that…
Heidän oli matkuste/tta/va They had to go to Helsinki.
The present participle passive inflected in the inessive plural, combined with ol/la,
indicates that something can(not) be done.
onko Bill tavat/ta/v/i/ssa? Is Bill in/available/‘to be met with’?
Eikö johtaja ole tavat/ta/v/i/ssa? Isn’t the manager available?
Päätös on teh/tä/v/i/ssä. The decision can be made.
Tämä asia ei ole muute/tta/v/i/ssa. This matter cannot be altered.
This participle also occurs in certain fixed expressions.
onko teillä huoneita vuokrat/ta/va/na?
Do you have rooms to let?
autoja myy/tä/vä/nä
cars for sale
Virka on julistettu hae/tta/va/ksi.
Applications are invited for the post. (‘The post is declared to be
applied for.’)
Paavo on sairaalassa tutki/tta/va/na.
Paavo is in hospital for a check-up/to be examined.

热门TAG: 芬兰语语法 芬兰语学习网

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