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时间:2017-03-01来源:互联网 进入芬兰语论坛
核心提示:The illative form is used after verbs of movement and indicates an actionwhich is about to begin. Note in particular the
 The illative form is used after verbs of movement and indicates an action
which is about to begin. Note in particular the structure tul/la ‘come’+third
infinitive illative, which refers to future time, e.g. Tule/n palaa/ma/an ‘I will
return’. The most common verbs followed by the third infinitive illative are
the following:
Infinitives 191
joutu/a come, be made to pysty/ä be capable
jättä/ä leave pyytä/ä request
jää/dä stay pääs/tä get
kehotta/a urge ruvet/a begin
kyet/ä be able ryhty/ä set about
käske/ä command sattu/a happen
pakotta/a force
Menen ulos syö/mä/än. I’m going out to eat.
Tanssi/ma/an/ko te menette? Are you really going dancing?
Matkustan maalle lepää/mä/än. I’m going into the country to rest.
Illalla tulen teille sauno/ma/an. In the evening I’ll come to your
house to have a sauna.
Lähden hake/ma/an lapset I’ll go and fetch the children from
koulusta. school.
Menetkö kotiin nukku/ma/an? Are you going home to sleep?
Tulen lähte/mä/än pois. I will go away.
Jätin Kallen kotiin luke/ma/an. I left Kalle at home to read.
Jään vielä työskentele/mä/än. I’ll stay a bit longer to do some work.
Kehotan teitä lopetta/ma/an I urge you to give up smoking.
Poliisi käski meitä poistu/ma/an. The policeman ordered us to leave.
Pystytkö aja/ma/an Helsinkiin? Can you drive to Helsinki?
Tuija pyysi minua tanssi/ma/an. Tuija asked me to dance.
Illalla rupesi sata/ma/an. In the evening it began to rain.
Reijo sattui ole/ma/an paikalla. Reijo happened to be there.
The third infinitive illative also occurs after certain adjectives, of which the
most frequent are: halukas ‘willing’, innostunut ‘keen’, kiinnostunut
‘interested’, valmis ‘ready’.
Kuka on halukas vastaa/ma/an? Who is willing to answer?
En ole innokas tule/ma/an. I’m not keen to come.
Olen kyllä kiinnostunut Yes, I am interested in buying a
osta/ma/an pesukoneen. washing-machine.
Karikin on valmis lähte/mä/än Kari too is ready to go and eat.

热门TAG: 芬兰语语法 芬兰语学习网

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