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【芬兰语语法】§73 GENERAL

时间:2017-03-01来源:互联网 进入芬兰语论坛
核心提示:Infinitives and participles constitute the set of non-finite verb forms, which alllack personal endings. The basic struc
 Infinitives and participles constitute the set of non-finite verb forms, which all
lack personal endings. The basic structure of the infinitives has been presented
above (§14). Each of the infinitives has its own marker, a functional ending
without any actual meaning. Some infinitives occur also in the passive
(particularly the second infinitive), and some may take several case endings
(particularly the third infinitive). Under certain conditions the first and second
infinitives may also be followed by possessive suffixes. All the infinitives can
take enclitic particles. Infinitives are never marked for number.
The infinitives function in a sentence as nouns, being nominal forms of
verbs; the participles function as adjectives. The examples below illustrate the
similarities between infinitives and nouns proper.
Haluan omena/n. I want an apple. (noun)
Haluan ui/da. I want to swim. (first inf.)
Haluan osta/a omenan. I want to buy an apple. (first inf.)
Nälkä katoaa minuuti/ssa. Hunger disappears in a minute.
(noun in inessive)
Nälkä katoaa syö/de/ssä. Hunger disappears as one eats (‘in
eating’). (second inf. in inessive)
Menen Helsinki/in. I’m going to Helsinki.
(noun in illative)
Menen ulos juokse/ma/an. I’m going out to run.
(third inf. in illative)
Satamaan pääsee myös linja- One can also get to the harbour by
auto/lla. bus. (noun in adessive)
Oppii myös luke/ma/lla. One also learns by reading.
(third inf. in adessive)

热门TAG: 芬兰语语法 芬兰语学习网

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