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时间:2017-01-24来源:互联网 进入芬兰语论坛
核心提示:When a cardinal number is the subject, object or complement, i.e. when itoccurs in the nominative or partitive, the rest
 When a cardinal number is the subject, object or complement, i.e. when it
occurs in the nominative or partitive, the rest of the phrase it modifies takes
the partitive singular, e.g. kolme talo/a ‘three houses’.
When a cardinal number is the subject, object or complement the
words it modifies take the partitive singular.
A second important rule for the use of cardinals is the following:
When the numeral expression is the subject, the predicate verb is in
the singular.
Kadulla seisoo kolme mies/tä.
There are three men standing in the street.
Minulla on kaksi velje/ä.
I have two brothers.
Neljä ministeri/ä erosi hallituksesta.
Four ministers resigned from the cabinet.
132 Finnish: An Essential Grammar
Kuusitoista ihmis/tä sai surmansa lento-onnettomuudessa.
Sixteen people died in the plane crash.
Ostan kolme pullo/a punaviiniä.
I will buy three bottles of red wine.
Eilen kirjoitin seitsemän sivu/a.
Yesterday I wrote seven pages.
En omista kah/ta auto/a.
I don’t own two cars.
Opiskelen kolme/a kiel/tä.
I am studying three languages.
Viit/tä/kymmen/tä osanottaja/a emme voi hyväksyä.
Fifty participants we cannot accept.
Hän ei maksa kolme/a/tuhatta markka/a koneesta.
He/she will not pay three thousand marks for the machine.
Hinta on yhdeksän markka/a kilolta.
The price is nine marks per kilo.
When a cardinal number is an attribute or an adverbial, i.e. appears in cases
other than nominative or partitive, its case is determined by that of the
headwor(the noun), and all the parts of a compound numeral are similarly
inflected. With the exception of invariable plurals these expressions are
always singular.
Cardinal numbers agree with the headword in the genitive, all six
local cases, the essive and the translative.
Matkallani käyn kolme/ssa maa/ssa.
On my trip I shall visit three countries (‘in three countries’).
Neljä/n litra/n hinta on seitsemän markkaa.
The price of four litres is seven marks.
En ole käynyt Suomessa viite/en/toista vuote/en.
I have not been to Finland for 15 years.
Hän on kahde/n piene/n lapse/n äiti.
She is the mother of two small children.
Verotoimistot palauttavat rahaa seitsemä/lle/sada/lle/tuhonne/lle
The tax offices (will) refund money to 700,000 Finns.
Numerals 133
tuhanne/n ja yhde/n yö/n tarinat
a thousand and one nights (‘the stories of…’)
Yhte/nä päivä/nä viikossa olen Helsingissä.
I am in Helsinki one day a week.
Olen kolme/n/kymmene/n/kahde/n vuode/n ikäinen.
I am 32 years old.
Kuude/ssa/toista tapaukse/ssa sairas kuoli.
In 16 cases the patient died.
Kirje tuli kande/lta ystävä/ltä/ni.
The letter came from two of my friends.
Kahde/lla/tuhonne/lla marka/lla pääsee jopa Afrikkaan.
For 2,000 marks one can even get to Africa.
Minulla on kahde/t sakse/t.
I have two pairs of scissors.
Tänä lauantaina on vain yhde/t hää/t.
This Saturday there is only one wedding.
Tämä kangas pitää leikata kaks/i/lla saks/i/lla.
This cloth has to be cut with two pairs of scissors.
When the numeral expression is the subject, the verb, as was said above, is
generally in the singular, e.g. kolme tyttöä juokse/e ‘three girls run’. But
when the numeral expression is preceded e.g. by the words nämä ‘these’ or
nuo ‘those’ (which make the phrase definite), the verb is then in the plural.
Nämä kolme miestä seiso/vat kadulla.
These three men are standing in the street.
Nuo kaksi o/vat naimisissa.
Those two are married.
Nämä neljä ehdotusta o/vat yhtä hyviä.
These four proposals are equally good.
In other contexts too the verb may be in the plural when the subject is a
definite numeral expression.
Kuusi paikallissijaa tuli/vat esille luvussa 10.
The six local cases were discussed in Chapter 10.
Kolmetoista maata pääsi/vät eilen sopimukseen.
The 13 countries reached an agreement yesterday.

热门TAG: 芬兰语语法 芬兰语学习网

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