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时间:2016-11-28来源:互联网 进入芬兰语论坛
核心提示:The long consonants pp, tt, kk alternate with the corresponding shortconsonants p, t, k. This is called quantitative con
 The long consonants pp, tt, kk alternate with the corresponding short
consonants p, t, k. This is called quantitative consonant gradation.
(1) pp~ p kaappi cupboard kaapi/ssa in the cupboard
(2) tt ~ t matto mat mato/lla on the mat
(3) kk~ k kukka flower kuka/n of the flower
The short consonants generally alternate with other consonants; however, k
may sometimes be dropped altogether. These alternations are called
qualitative consonant gradation (types (4)–(16)).
(4) p ~ v tupa hut tuva/ssa in the hut
(5) Vt ~ Vd katu street kadull/a on the street
(6) ht ~ hd lähte- leave lähde/n I leave
(7) k ~ ø jalka foot jala/n of the foot
The consonant t changes to d both after a vowel, V (= a vowel which is the
same as the nearest preceding vowel), and after h. A different type of
Two important sound alternations 29
alternation takes place in the following five cases, wher either p, t, k occur
after a nasal consonant (m, n, ?), or t occurs after l or r.
(8) mp ~ mm ampu- shoot ammu/mme we shoot
(9) nt ~ nn ranta shore ranna/lla on the shore
(10) nk ~ ng [??] kenkä shoe kengä/n of the shoe
(11) lt ~ ll kulta gold kulla/n of the gold
(12) rt ~ rr parta beard parra/ssa in the beard
Alternations (4)–(7) operate when the stops are not preceded by a nasal
consonant or l or r: in such cases alternations (8)–(12) apply. In addition to
these there are also four fairly rare alternations applying to k.
(13) lke ~ lje polke- trample polje/n I trample
(14) rke ~ rje särke- break särje/n I break
(15) hke~ hje rohkene/t you dare rohjet/a (to) dare
(16) k ~ v puku dress puvu/n of the dress
Alternations (13)–(15) are very similar: in each of these k changes to j before
e. Type (16) is rare, and occurs only in a few nominals, when k is preceded
and followed by u/y.

热门TAG: 芬兰语语法 芬兰语学习网

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