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【芬兰语语法】§76.1 FORMATION

时间:2017-03-01来源:互联网 进入芬兰语论坛
核心提示:The third infinitive, which has the ending -ma- ~ -m-, is a common andimportant form in both the written and spoken lang
 The third infinitive, which has the ending -ma- ~ -mä-, is a common and
important form in both the written and spoken language. It occurs in five
cases: the inessive -ssa ~ -ssä, the elative -sta ~ -stä, the illative -Vn, the
adessive -lla ~ -llä, and the abessive -tta ~ -ttä.
The stem of the third infinitive is formed by adding -ma- ~ -mä- to
the inflectional stem of the verb (§23).
The inflectional stem can be derived from the third person singular of the
present indicative, by detaching the personal ending.
Infinitives 189
First inf. Meaning Third p. sing Third infinitive
present stem
vetä/ä pull vetä/ä vetä/mä-
otta/a take otta/a otta/ma-
rakenta/a build rakenta/a rakenta/ma-
huomat/a notice huomaa huomaa/ma-
kaivat/a long for kaipaa kaipaa/ma-
levät/ä rest lepää lepää/mä-
maat/a lie makaa makaa/ma-
lyö/dä hit lyö lyö/mä-
ol/la be on ole/ma- (NB!)
tul/la come tule/e tule/ma-
men/nä go mene/e mene/mä-
valit/a choose valitse/e valitse/ma
The following table shows the forms of the third infinitive.
Root Inf. Case Particle Meaning
lepää mä ssä resting
lepää mä än to rest
lepää mä än kö to rest?
vetä mä llä by pulling
vetä mä llä kin also by pulling
mainitse ma tta without mentioning
mainitse ma tta kaan without mentioning, either
teke mä stä from doing

热门TAG: 芬兰语语法 芬兰语学习网

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