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【芬兰语语法】§20.4 HYVYYS NOMINALS

时间:2016-12-20来源:互联网 进入芬兰语论坛
核心提示:The third group of nominals with a basic form ending in -s is the type hyvyysgoodness. This includes all nouns with a fi
 The third group of nominals with a basic form ending in -s is the type hyvyys
‘goodness’. This includes all nouns with a final -s preceded by a long vowel,
and many nouns with two different vowels preceding the final -s. All the
words in this group are derived forms, cf. hyvä ‘good’—hyv/yys ‘goodness’,
kaunis ‘beautiful’—kaune/us ‘beauty’, osa ‘part’—os/uus ‘share’. They
have several special sound alternations.
Inflectional stem followed by:
Basic Partitive Case Plural Possessive
form singular (except suffix
part. sing.)
hyvyys goodness hyvyyt/tä +hyvyyde/n hyvyyks/i/ä hyvyyte/ni
korkeus height korkeut/ta +korkeude/n korkeuks/i/a korkeute/ni
rakkaus love rakkaut/ta +rakkaude/n rakkauks/i/ssa rakkaute/ni
totuus truth totuut/ta +totuude/n totuuks/i/ssa totuute/ni
In hyvyys nominals -s changes to -te- in the inflectional stem of the
singular; before the plural -i, -s changes to -ks-; the partitive singular is
formed from the inflectional stem and -e- is dropped.
The declension of nominals 53
Strong grade Weak grade
totuutee/n into truth +totuude/n of truth
totuute/na as truth +totuude/ssa in truth
totuute/mme our truth +totuude/sta out of truth
+totuude/lla with truth

热门TAG: 芬兰语语法 芬兰语学习网

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