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【芬兰语语法】§23.2 HUOMAT/A VERBS

时间:2016-12-20来源:互联网 进入芬兰语论坛
核心提示:Huomat/a verbs, which generally end in -at/a, -t/, are a very importantgroup (contracted verbs). The relation here betwe
 Huomat/a verbs, which generally end in -at/a, -ät/ä, are a very important
group (‘contracted verbs’). The relation here between the infinitive stem and
the inflectional stem is a complex one. The -t- of the infinitive alternates with
-a-/-ä- and consonant gradation applies to the infinitive, wheras there is no
alternation in the inflectional stem (§15.4).
Infinitive First person sing. Third person sing.
huomat/a notice huomaa/n I notice huomaa he notices
osat/a know how osaa/n osaa
+hypät/ä jump hyppää/n hyppää
seurat/a follow seuraa/n seuraa
tarjot/a offer tarjoa/n tarjoa/a
halut/a want halua/n halua/a
+pelät/ä fear pelkää/n pelkää
määrät/ä order määrää/n määrää
+veikat/a bet veikkaa/n veikkaa
Anta/a verbs have only an infinitive stem.
In huomat/a verbs the -t- of the infinitive stem changes to -a- or -ä-
according to vowel harmony; consonant gradation affects the infinitive
The conjugation of verbs 59
Infinitive First person sing. Third person sing.
+hakat/a hew hakkaa/n hakkaa
+maat/a lie makaa/n makaa
+tavat/a meet tapaa/n tapaa
+kadot/a disappear katoa/n katoa/a
varat/a reserve varaa/n varaa

热门TAG: 芬兰语语法 芬兰语学习网

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